Welcome to my Digital Abode: A Safe Place to Learn and Share Information, laughs, and Resources - like One Big Peaceful Family: Regardless of any blood relation or lack thereof.

Our Mission Statement in a nutshell: Survival and Revival.

Some of our goals:

  • Teach each other how to better survive while still being decent to our fellow man, woman, child, elders, and animal companions.

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    *Shhh You're On My List, Will you be my friend?*

  • We do not lie, cheat, or steal. We are good boys and girls and we eat our tendies. We survive and we are grateful for what is given or provided to us.

  • We value peace and serenity of the heart. Laughter, sharing, and understanding are among our highest virtues and the best medicines for a weary soul in a world gone mad with greed, hatred, apathy, and an insatiable lust to lie, cheat, steal, and kill all the while poisoning our water, food, medical systems, and telling us that WE are the ones who need help. Hypocrisy is like a house built upon sand and mud. Father Sky and Mother Earth / Lady Gaia/Gea are much stronger, bigger, older, and more powerful than some microbes thinking their fake god Saturn/Jormungand "The World Serpent", or "The Demi-Urge" if you're a fancy pants can somehow defeat beings incomprehensibly older, wiser, with long perfect memories, and unlimited power. I mean seriously, you think a nuke, a mere tickle on the earth's surface scares Mother Earth? You've gotta be kidding me. That said, disarming nuclear weapons is urgent for US, human beings if WE want to survive. The elites have underground bunkers everywhere, but they won't be safe.

    Among other things, I also teach how to lucid dream and how to even visit other realms, planets, solar systems, etc. WITHOUT drugs. Wait, what did he just say? Yeah. You freaking heard me: WITHOUT drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, porn, videogames, food addiction, you name it.

    Contact Me: Work in Progress "WIP" Invite Only.

    My Teaching Courses Section WIP

    What can I teach? Basically anything, in any language, anywhere, under moon, sun, or sky.

    This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Virtual Satellite with Time Zones.

    This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Time_Zone_Tracker.

    Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

    Here's how you can add an image:

    The Swordsman's Creed:

    To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!